1. 本會即懲教署體育會,以下簡稱「本會」。
2. 本會的目標和宗旨,是致力為懲教署的現任和退休職員推廣及促進各項體育活動。為此,本會需要向各職級人員灌輸進取、團隊和積極競賽精神,以及為以下界定的會員提供康樂設施和可供進行各項體育活動的設備。此外,本會亦可透過設立由本會管理之慈善基金幫助社會上有需要的團體或作其他慈善用途。
3. 本會會員分為:
(a) 普通會員
(b) 終身會員
普通會員在懲教署退休後,如經本會執行委員會批准,可成為「終身會員」。終身會員享有普通會員所具有的全部權利,但無權在全體大會上就本會的管理事宜發言或表決。 永久會員申請表
4. 本會會長及副會長由懲教署署長和懲教署副署長當然出任。懲教署署長可委任任何其認為合適的人士出任為本會副會長。
5. (a) 執行委員會由下列人員組成:每年由會長委任的主席、兩名副主席、義務秘書、助理義務秘書、義務司庫、助理義務司庫及四名當選委員和第5(b)段所指明的當然委員所組成。
(b) 懲教署職員訓練院院長、白沙灣懲教所監督、監督(職員關係及福利)、康樂事務經理和高級懲教主任(體育)出任為執行委員會的當然委員。白沙灣懲教所監督(以被等作為執行委員會成員的身份)負責懲教署體育會會所的保養及維修事宜。
(c) 每所院所選出一名代表,負責就本會的事務,擔當院所主管與本會之間的聯絡人及出席會議。
(d) 由執行委員會提名負責籌辦體育活動及管理代表隊伍的體育召集人,須出席會議。
(e) 由執行委員會提名的助理體育召集人,在體育召集人缺席之情況下,須出席會議。
6. 執行委員會委員不得委派代表在會上投票或以書面投票。
7. 除以下獲授的明確權力外,執行委員會亦負責控制及管理本會的財政。任何一次過繳付的非經常性款項如超逾港幣5,000元須徵得會長批准。此外,執行委員會在徵得會長批准後可設立「慈善儲備基金」(以下簡稱「該基金」)及將本會的部份資金撥歸於該基金內。執行委員會可不時地為該基金提供其認為合適的會內撥款及/或本會收到的任何捐款。所有該等撥款、捐款及任何該基金的資產投資所賺取之收益均須保留於該基金內。該基金之設立旨為幫助社會上有需要的團體或作其他慈善用途,而執行委員會有權決定該基金之使用及投資方式,惟在落實預定用途及於投資前須徵得會長批准。由於該基金由本會設立及管理,其財務資訊及資產須在本會的財務報告中說明。在徵得會長批准後,執行委員會可通過根據《公司條例》(香港法例第622章)成立由本會執行委員會所有委員有權出任為當然董事的擔保責任有限公司,並可將該基金之全部或部份資產資助或捐贈予該擔保責任有限公司作以上或其他慈善用途。
8. 如執行委員會認為本會任何款項並無即時用途,在徵得會長批准後,可將之投資或存入帳戶。
9. 執行委員會有權任命新委員填補空缺及成立小組委員會(並賦與其認為適當的權力)。
10. 執行委員會委員的任期由選舉或任命當日開始,至下一周年大會舉行為止,屆時委員可競選連任。
11. 執行委員會每月舉行會議一次,或按需要情況增加開會次數。會議法定人數由五名出席委員形成。執行委員會在會上訂明下次月會的舉行時間、日期和地點,或由義務秘書另發經簽妥的通知書,述明舉行月會的時間、日期和地點。會長或主席可隨時召開會議。
12. 主席負責主持會議。倘主席缺席,執行委員會須委任一名委員主持會議,由該委員執行主席職務。在票數均等的情況下,主持會議的委員有權投決定票。
13. 執行委員會在其認為對本會的妥善運作和管理是必需及適宜的情況下,可不時制定、增補、修改和廢除則例,並透過該等則例:
(a) 就准予會員入會享用本會所提供的特權、使用本會物業、本會所供應物業及限制特權等方面的條款進行規管;
(b) 就准予會員的配偶、傭人、訪客和親朋享用本會所提供的功用和福利進行規管;
(c) 就會員或親朋因參與本會所舉辦的遊戲而須遵守規則和繳付保證金進行規管;
(d) 就全面或在特定時間禁制個別遊戲進行規管;
(e) 就任何類別的會員及其配偶、子女和親朋的行為進行規管;
(f) 就全體大會、執行委員會或小組委員會的舉行程序進行規管;以及
(g) 就其他通常為本會則例所述及的事宜進行規管。
14. 所有由執行委員會據此規則制定的則例,一經張貼在各院所,即告生效,直至被執行委員會撤銷前,對本會各成員均具約束力。執行委員會有權決定一切關乎本會則例詮釋的爭議問題。執行委員會就詮釋爭議,或則例未有訂明而對本會有所影響的事項所作裁決,將屬最終的決定,並對各成員具有約束力。
15. 義務秘書由普通會員出任,負責處理往來信件。義務秘書須保管所有屬於本會的文件和詳盡而真確地記錄所有議事程序,並全面落實執行委員會的指示。
16. (a) 義務司庫由本會的普通會員出任,負責處理本會帳目內任何款項。該等款項均須存入本會所開設及獲會長核准的銀行帳戶。用以發還開支的支票須經他和主席或義務秘書簽署。
(b) 義務司庫須每月編訂收支帳目, 以供執行委員會參閱及審批。
(c) 義務司庫須於每年三月三十一日結算帳目,在執行委員會認可的核數師審核後,將之連同財政報告一併交予執行委員會。
17. (a) 會長可委任任何一直全力支持體育會的人士,為名譽副會長,任期兩年。
(b) 會長可委任任何支持本會的人士為體育隊伍的名譽副會長,任期兩年。體育隊伍的名譽副會長可獲邀出席儀式及獲發委任證書。體育隊伍的名譽副會長可就相關體育隊伍的發展方向提出建議,亦可獲邀代表體育隊伍出席活動儀式,接受或頒發獎項。
18. 除體育召集人外,會長可委任任何會員為體育隊伍領隊,負責加強管理體育隊伍和推廣體育活動。
19. 普通會員的周年大會須於每年五月份最後一個星期舉行,旨在:
(a) 向會員報告本會的狀況;
(b) 向會員提交本會截至該年度三月三十一日止的帳目;
(c) 商議任何有關本會規章管理或一般福利的事宜,並可按後述規定,在會上妥為呈述;以及
(d) 選出下一年度的執行委員會委員。
20. 普通會員如欲提出上文第19(c)項總目下的任何事項,須於會議舉行前七天,以書面通知義務秘書。
21. (a) 義務秘書須於周年大會確實舉行日期前至少十四天,安排在各院所張貼通知,述明周年大會舉行日期。委員或有對周年大會的舉行時間和地點不知悉者,將不會導致會上任何決議或行動失效。
(b) 此外,義務秘書須安排向本會每一會員發出主席報告、經審核帳目和上次周年大會的會議記錄各一份。
22. 在周年大會召開時,除非出席的普通會員達致法定人數,否則不得開始議事。法定人數由不少於20名出席的普通會員形成。
(a) 全體大會通過的任何決議須獲得過半票數。每一出席會員均可投一票。會長或副會長除本身可投一票外,更可以會長或副會長身分,兼投第二或決定票。
(b) 會長或副會長以會長或副會長身分,在全體大會就任何舉手表決的決議作出宣布後,有關宣布將不可推翻。本會就此事在會議記事簿所作記錄,可作為足夠證據。
23. 如會議在指定時間開始後半小時,出席者仍未足法定人數,則會議須予解散,並延期至下星期同一天,在相同時間和地點舉行。倘延會在指定時間開始後半小時,出席者仍不足法定人數,則出席的普通會員將形成法定人數。
24. 執行委員會如認為情況有必要或有20名普通會員提出呈請,須召開本會的特別全體大會。執行委員會須於該等會議舉行前至少七天,以書面通知各院所其召開會議的意向。有關通知須載明會議議程。
25. 任何會員如損壞本會財物,或因疏忽導致本會財物遺失或損壞,須自費安排將之修理或替換,並負責修理/替換所需款額或相當該等財物價值的款項。倘屬會員親朋的作為,則有關會員須承擔類似的法律責任。
26. (a) 不論在任何時間,執行委員會和小組委員會每一成員均須即時審理會員違反本會規則和則例的行為,並就該等行為通知執行委員會主席。
(b) 倘會員在任何時間的品行操守對本會的聲譽或良好秩序可能造成損害,委員會可要求該會員就其品行操守提供解釋。如未能提供令人滿意的解釋,執行委員會可著令該會員—
(i) 終止會籍(如屬終身會員)
(ii) 暫時革除會籍及中止一切權利不超過六個月
(iii) 暫停參與該段期間的體育活動(如屬體育代表)
(c) 會員如未經執行委員會授權,不得以本會名義購買或訂購物品。
(d) 凡執行委員會認為超越本身權力範圍的事項,須交與會長裁決。
27. (a) 本會或本會任何執行委員會或小組委員會的成員不論以何種身分,均毋須對本會會員或其親朋、傭工或其他人士所蒙受的損傷或財物遺失或損壞承擔法律責任。
(b) 本會對會員或其親朋的財物安全,概不負責。
28. 假若認為恰當,執行委員會須於周年大會舉行後的首次會議上,按其認為合適的條件委聘一間執業核數師事務所,擔任下一年度的核數師。
29. 義務司庫須詳盡而真確地向核數師報告。本會的帳目須按執行委員會所決定及會長批准的相隔時間進行審核。
30. 執行委員會委員、小組委員會委員或任何體育召集人代表本會於舉辦任何體育或康樂活動時接受其他機構/人士任何形式的利益,例如捐款、禮物或贊助等,或索取此等利益,均須依照公務員事務局通告第3/2007號和4/2007號及根據《防止賄賂條例》(香港法例第201章)而頒布的《2007年接受利益(行政長官許可)公告》規定而進行,並須預先以書面經懲教署體育會主席向助理懲教署署長(人力資源)申請批准。
31. 本會在下列地點的院所會所為所有會員提供康樂設施:
1. 懲教署總部職員會所
2. 歌連臣角懲教所職員會所
3. 羅湖懲教所職員會所
4. 喜靈洲職員會所
5. 喜靈洲官員會所
6. 荔枝角職員會所
7. 勵敬懲教所職員會所
8. 塘褔懲教所職員會所
9. 豐力樓職員會所
10. 壁屋職員會所
11. 小欖精神病治療中心職員會所
12. 石壁監獄及沙咀懲教所職員會所
13. 石壁監獄及沙咀懲教所官員會所
14. 赤柱職員會所
15. 職員訓練院職員會所
16. 職員訓練院官員會所
17. 大譚峽懲教所職員會所
18. 東頭懲教所職員會所
19. 大欖懲教所職員會所
20. 大欖女懲教所職員會所
32. 除非獲周年大會或特別全體大會和會長批准,否則,任何有關上述規則的修改或廢除一概無效。
33. 本會的規章及規則原文以中文撰寫,附英文翻譯。如中、英文版本的內容有任何歧異,概以中文版文為準。
1. The Association shall be known as the Correctional Services Department Sports Association, hereinafter referred to as the “Association”.
Aim and Objective
2. The aim and object of the Association are to encourage and promote all forms of sports within the Correctional Services Department and to instill a spirit of enthusiasm, team work and competition amongst all ranks; to provide recreational facilities for all members as hereinafter defined and to provide facilities for all forms of sports. Besides, the Association may establish and manage charitable fund(s) to provide assistance to organisations in need of help or for any other charitable purposes.
3. The members of the Association shall consist of the following: -
(a) Full Members
“Full Member” means a serving staff member of the Correctional Services Department as defined in Section 2 of the Prisons Ordinance (Cap.234, laws of Hong Kong). A Full Member shall have voice in the management of the Association and the right to vote in any General Meeting.
(b) Life Members
A Full Member on retirement from the Correctional Services Department may become a Life Member subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. A Life Member shall be entitled to all rights of full membership but shall have no voice in the management of the Association nor the right to vote at any General Meeting.
President and Vice-President(s)
4. The Commissioner of Correctional Services and the Deputy Commissioner of Correctional Services shall ex-officio be the President and Vice-President of the Association respectively. The Commissioner of Correctional Services may appoint any other person(s) who he thinks fit as the Vice President(s) of the Association.
The Executive Committee
5. (a) The Executive Committee shall consist of a Chairman, two Vice Chairmen, an Honorary Secretary, Assistant Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Assistant Honorary Treasurer who will be appointed annually by the President plus four elected members and ex-officio members as defined in paragraph 5(b).
(b) The Principal of the Staff Training Institute, the Superintendent of the Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution, the Superintendent (Staff Relations and Welfare), the Leisure Services Manager and the Principal Officer (Physical Education) of the Correctional Services Department shall, ex-officio, be members of the Executive Committee. The Superintendent of the Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution, in the capacity as member of the Executive Committee, shall be responsible for the repair and maintenance of the CSDSA Recreation Complex.
(c) Each institution shall appoint one representative, who shall be responsible for liaison between the Officer-in-charge of that institution and the Association as regards CSDSA affairs and may attend Executive Committee Meetings.
(d) Sports Convenors, nominated by the Executive Committee for organizing respective sports and team management, shall attend Executive Committee Meetings.
(e) In the absence of Sports Convenors, Assistant Sports Convenors, who are also nominated by the Executive Committee, shall attend Executive Committee Meeting.
6. No member shall vote by proxy or in writing at any Executive Committee Meeting.
7. The Executive Committee in addition to the powers hereinafter specifically conferred upon it shall have the control and management of the finances of the Association. Any single payment, other than routine, which exceeds HK$5,000.00 must be approved by the President. Besides, subject to the approval of the President, the Executive Committee may set aside part of the assets of the Association as “Charity Reserve Fund” (hereinafter the “Fund”). The Executive Committee may from time to time provide with the Fund such internal allocations and/or any donations received by the Association as it deems fit. All such allocations, donations and any proceeds generated from the investment of the assets in the Fund shall be retained in the Fund. The aim of the Fund is to provide support to organisations in need of help or for any other charitable purposes. The Executive Committee is authorised to decide the use of the Fund and the manners of investing its assets but prior approval from the President shall be sought before implementation of any intended use and investment. Given that the Fund is set up and managed by the Association, its financial information and assets shall be accounted for in the financial statements of the Association. Subject to the approval of the President, the Executive Committee may resolve to form a company limited by guarantee registered under the Companies Ordinance (Cap.622, laws of Hong Kong), with all the members of the Executive Committee entitled to be ex-officio directors, and to allocate all or part of the assets of the Fund to such company limited by guarantee for the above or other charitable purposes.
8. Any funds of the Association which the Executive Committee deem to be surplus to immediate requirement may, subject to the approval of the President, be invested or placed to deposit account.
9. The Executive Committee shall have power to co-opt members to fill vacancies on the Executive Committee and to appoint Sub-committees (with such powers as it may think fit to confer).
10. Members of the Executive Committee shall hold office from election or co-option until the next Annual General Meeting of the Association when they may stand for re-election.
11. The Executive Committee shall meet once a month or more often if necessary, and five members of the Executive Committee present at any such meeting shall form a quorum. The time, date and place of such monthly meetings shall be fixed by the Executive Committee at its preceding meeting, or by notice signed by the Honorary Secretary. A meeting of the Executive Committee may be convened at any time by the President, or Chairman.
12. The Chairman shall preside at the Executive Committee Meetings. In the absence of the Chairman, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of its members to take the chair and such member will carry out the duties of the Chairman. The person presiding at any meeting of the Executive Committee shall have a casting vote if the voting be equal.
13. The Executive Committee may from time to time make, add to, alter and rescind such by-laws as they may deem necessary or convenient for the proper conduct and management of the Association, and they may, by such by-laws, regulate: -
(a) the terms, as to admission of Member to participate in the benefit of any of the privileges of the Association, and the use by or supply to members of any of the property of the Association and the limitation of any such privileges;
(b) the admission of wives, husbands, domestic helpers, visitors and guests to Association functions and benefits;
(c) the rules to be observed and stakes to be played for by any member or guest playing any games organised by the Association;
(d) the prohibition of particular games entirely or at any particular time;
(e) the conduct of any class of members, wives, husbands, children and guests;
(f) the procedure at General Meetings, Executive Committee or Sub-committee Meetings; and
(g) generally all such other matters as are commonly the subject of Association By-laws.
14. All by-laws made by the Executive Committee under this rule shall come into force as soon as posted on the notice boards at each Institution and shall be binding upon all Members of the Association until rescinded by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the power to decide all questions relating to the interpretation of the by-laws of the Association and the decision upon any question of interpretation, or upon any matter affecting the Association and not provided for by these by-laws, shall be final and binding on all Members.
Honorary Secretary
15. The Honorary Secretary shall be a Full Member and shall conduct the correspondence of the Association. He/She shall have custody of all documents belonging to the Association. He/She shall keep full and correct minutes of all proceedings and generally carry out the instructions of the Executive Committee.
Honorary Treasurer
16. (a) The Honorary Treasurer shall be a Full Member of the Association and shall handle any monies on account of the Association. All such monies shall be paid by him into the account of the Association at a bank approved by the President and all cheques in payment of disbursement shall bear his signature and that of the Chairman or Honorary Secretary.
(b) The Honorary Treasurer shall prepare a monthly Statement of Income and Expenditure for the information and approval of the Executive Committee.
(c) The Honorary Treasurer shall close his accounts on the 31st March each year and shall submit them together with a financial statement to the Executive Committee after audit by Auditors approved by the Executive Committee.
Honorary Vice-President
17. (a) The President may appoint a person, who always renders steering support to the Sports Association, to be the Honorary Vice-President for a term of 2 years.
(b) The President may appoint a person who renders support to the Association to be the Honorary Vice-President of a sports team for a term of 2 years. Honorary Vice-President of sports teams may be invited to attend ceremonies and be awarded a Certificate of Appointment. Honorary Vice-President of sports teams may make recommendations on the development direction of sports teams, and may be invited to attend events or ceremonies on behalf of sports teams, receive or present awards.
Sports Team Manager
18. The President may appoint a member, as a Sports Team Manager, responsible to each sport activities, in addition to the Sports Convenors, to further enhance the management of the sports team and promote sports activities.
Annual General Meeting
19. The Annual General Meeting of the Full Members of the Association shall be held during the last week in May each year for the following purposes : -
(a) to report to members on the state of the Association;
(b) to lay before members the Association accounts made up to 31st March of that year;
(c) to discuss any matter relating to the Constitution management or general welfare of the Association which may be duly submitted to the meeting as hereinafter provided; and
(d) to elect the Executive Committee Members for the ensuing year.
20. Any Full Member desiring to raise any matter falling under heading (c) of Rule 19 above, will give the Honorary Secretary notice thereof in writing seven days before such meeting.
21. (a) At least 14 days prior to the actual date selected for the Annual General Meeting the Honorary Secretary shall cause to be posted at each institution notice of the date of such Annual General Meeting. The fact that any member was unaware of the time and place of any Annual General Meeting shall not invalidate any resolution passed or thing done at such meeting.
(b) At the same time Honorary Secretary shall cause to be forwarded to each member of the Association a copy of the Chairman’s report, an audited statement of accounts and a copy of the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.
22. No business shall be transacted at any Annual General Meeting unless a quorum of Full Members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business and such quorum shall consist of not less than twenty Full Members present.
Voting Procedure
(a) Every question to be determined in General Meeting shall be determined by a majority of votes, each Member present having one vote and the President or Vice President, acting in his stead having in addition to his own vote, a second or casting vote.
(b) A declaration by the President or Vice President, acting in his stead at any General Meeting that a resolution has been carried upon a show of hands shall be conclusive and any entry to that effect in the minute book of the Association shall be sufficient evidence of that fact.
23. If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be dissolved and shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place, and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting the Full Members present shall be a quorum.
Extraordinary General Meeting
24. The Executive Committee shall, if in their opinion the occasion warrants or on the representation of twenty Full Members of the Association, call an Extra-ordinary General Meeting of the Association. Notice in writing of the intention to hold such a meeting shall be sent to each institution at least seven days before the date of such meeting. Such notice shall specify the agenda for such meeting.
Loss or Damage to Association Property
25. Any member who shall damage, or through carelessness shall loss or destroy any property of the Association shall repair or replace such property at his own cost, and he/she shall become chargeable for the amount or value of the property. In the case of a guest, his/her host will be similarly responsible.
26. (a) It shall be the duty of every member of the Executive Committee, and every member of any Sub-Committee, at all times, to take immediate cognizance of any infringement of the Rules and by-laws of the Association on the part of any member concerned and bring such infringement to the notice of the Chairman of the Executive Committee.
(b) If at any time the conduct of a member is such as may seem to prejudice the name or good order of the Association, such member may be called upon to offer an explanation of his/her conduct. Failing a satisfactory explanation, the Executive Committee may order that such member shall
(i) if Life Member, cease to be a Member of the Association.
(ii) be suspended from the Association and all its privileges for any period not exceeding six months.
(iii) if a sport representative, be suspended from that particular sport he/she enters at the time.
(c) No member may purchase or order anything in the name of the Association without the authority of the Executive Committee.
(d) Any matters that the Executive Committee considers to be beyond their competence shall be referred to the President for his ruling.
Association Liability
27. (a) The Association will not be responsible, nor will any member of any Executive Committee or Sub-Committee of the Association be liable, in any capacity, for any injury, loss or damage to person or property suffered by any Member, guest, servant of the Association or other persons.
(b) The Association accepts no responsibility for any property of members or visitors.
28. The Executive Committee at its first meeting following the Annual General Meeting shall, if it is considered appropriate, appoint a certified firm of auditors to act as auditors of the Association for the ensuing year under such conditions as the Executive Committee shall think fit.
29. The Honorary Treasurer shall make a full and true account to the auditors and the accounts of the Association shall be subject to audit at such intervals as the Executive Committee, with the approval of the President, shall determine.
Acceptance of Advantages
30. Any Members of the Executive Committee or its sub-committees or any sports convenors who, on behalf of the Association, receive or solicit any advantages such as donations, gifts, sponsorships, etc for any sports or recreation functions from other organizations/persons, etc, shall comply with the provisions stipulated in Civil Service Bureau Circular No. 3/2007 & 4/2007 and the Acceptance of Advantages (Chief Executive’s Permission) Notice 2007 of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Chapter 201, Laws of Hong Kong). Prior application for approval should be made to Assistant Commissioner (Human Resource) through the Chairman, CSDSA.
Branch Facilities in Institution
31. To provide recreational facilities for all members in institution, the Association has the Staff Messes in the following locations.
1. Correctional Services Department Headquarters Staff Mess
23/F, Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
2. Cape Collinson Correctional Institution Staff Mess
Mess Hall, Block E, G/F, Cape Collinson Correctional Institution, Cape Collinson Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong.
3. Lo Wu Correctional Institution
163 Ho Sheung Heung Road, Sheung Shui, New Territories
4. Hei Ling Chau Staff Mess
Mess Block, Hei Ling Chau Treatment Centre, Hei Ling Chau.
5. Hei Ling Chau Officers’ Mess
Officers’ Mess Block, Hei Ling Chau Addiction Treatment Centre, Hei Ling Chau.
6. Lai Chi Kok Staff Mess
5 Butterfly Valley Road, Kowloon.
7. Lai King Correctional Institution Staff Mess
Mess Block, Lai King Correctional Institution, 16 Wah Tai Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories.
8. Tong Fuk Correctional Institution Staff Mess
3rd Floor, Block 4, 39, Ma Po Ping Road, Lantau Island.
9. Phoenix House Staff Mess
G/F, SMQ, Phoenix House, Lung Yan Road, Tai Wo Ping, Kowloon.
10. Pik Uk Staff Mess
G/F, Block E, Pik Uk Prison, Clear Water Bay Road, NT.
11. Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre Staff Mess
2/F, Mess Block, 21 Hong Fai Road, Siu Lam, NT
12. Shek Pik Prison and Sha Tsui Correctional Institution Staff Mess
42 Shek Pik Reservoir Road, Shek Pik, Lantau Island.
13. Shek Pik Prison and Sha Tsui Correctional Institution Officer’s’ Mess
Block R, G/F, 46 Shek Pik Reservoir Road, Shek Pik, Lantau Island.
14. Stanley Staff Mess
91, Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley, Hong Kong.
15. Staff Training Institute Staff Mess
Room 101, 1/F, East Wing, Staff Training Institute, 47 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley, Hong Kong.
16. Staff Training Institute Officers’ Mess
Room 102, 1/F, East Wing, Staff Training Institute, 47 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley, Hong Kong.
17. Tai Tam Gap Correctional Institution Staff Mess
110, Shek O Road, Hong Kong.
18. Tung Tau Correctional Institution Staff Mess
G/F, Block 3, 68 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley, Hong Kong.
19. Tai Lam Correctional Institution Staff Mess
108 Tai Lam Chung Road, Tai Lam Chung, Tung Mun, NT.
20. Tai Lam Centre for Women Staff Mess
110 Tai Lam Chung Road, Tai Lam Chung, Tung Mun, NT.
Alteration of Rules
32. No amendments or abrogation of these Rules shall be valid unless approved at an Annual
General Meeting or Extra-ordinary General Meeting and by the President.
33. Languages These Constitution and Rules of the Association are written in Chinese, with English translation. In the event of any discrepancy arises between the contents of the Chinese version and its English translation, provisions of the Chinese version shall always prevail.